Finding Forky

Calling people "up" instead of "out"

Wanting to escape the relentless summer heat, my wife and I decided to set aside our normal Saturday chores to go to a local movie theater. Appreciating the clever story-telling of the previous three films, we decided to see Toy Story 4.

Though we enjoyed the movie, I left the theater with an unresolved heaviness that I had not . . .

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September 25, 2019


You are More than You Know

Recently my wife, oldest daughter, and I went to an evening big-band dance in downtown Nashville. To celebrate the occasion, we took a selfie to post on Facebook. As I scanned the post to proofread it, I noticed that the app had automatically tagged my wife and my daughter in the photograph. It also tagged me... but, as someone else!

My . . .

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August 19, 2018

Landscaping the Tombs

I love to landscape. It is both therapeutic and cathartic. Something about sinking your hands in dark brown soil and nurturing vibrant green blossoming plants stirs in me a sense of life and health. I feel "at home" in the quiet solitude of mulched gardens filled with flowers, ferns, and shrubs. And honestly, as an . . .

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February 24, 2018

Chirping and Tweeting

I am very grateful for a work schedule that allows me to linger at the kitchen table in the mornings. This quiet time is filled with reading, writing, and more moments than I care to admit of mindlessly scrolling through social media. The soundtrack to my morning is filled with the peaceful sounds of nature and the occasional rustle of . . .

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November 18, 2017

When What You Do is No Longer Who You Are

You Are More Than Your Byline

Not too long ago I was reminded of one of my favorite Veggie Tales, “Madame Blueberry.” Having watched the video countless times over the years (yes, my children were present), I easily recalled Madame Blueberry’s lament, “I’m so blue, I don’t know what to do.” Believing that “happiness waits at . . .

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September 05, 2017

Your Days of Hiding are Over

Not too long ago, I quietly slid into a pew after arriving late to a worship experience. The service had begun almost an hour prior to my work shift ending, but I went anyway, hungry for fellowship with God and with God’s people. Settling in, I gratefully engaged as people gathered in prayer around a particular individual. As they . . .

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October 09, 2016

31 Days of Encouragement

A Resource to Strengthen and Equip You to Encourage the Weary

What would happen if, for the next 31 days, you chose to intentionally encourage someone else? Great idea, but what do you say? That question is the catalyst for a resource that I want to share with you!

Based on my blogs, 31 Days of Encouragement offers daily words of hope to strengthen you on your faith journey. These short, . . .

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November 20, 2015


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