31 Days of Encouragement
A Resource to Strengthen and Equip You to Encourage the Weary
What would happen if, for the next 31 days, you chose to intentionally encourage someone else? Great idea, but what do you say? That question is the catalyst for a resource that I want to share with you!
Based on my blogs, 31 Days of Encouragement offers daily words of hope to strengthen you on your faith journey. These short, scripturally grounded devotionals share everyday experiences where the Eternal divinely intersects the temporal.
As you read it, I trust that God will bring someone to mind who may need that very word of encouragement. Now here’s the best part. You can actually physically share that devotional with that person. 31 Days of Encouragement is uniquely formatted to keep one and to easily share one!
Each double entry is perforated so you can easily encourage family, friends, co-workers, and even strangers with "an instructed tongue to know the word that sustains the weary" (Isaiah 50:4). You can leave it on someone’s desk, place it on the fridge, put it on the mirror, slip it in a back-pack, or even drop it in the mail!
Just imagine the impact as we discover the joy of encouraging one another! You can influence the culture of your spheres of relationships as you develop a vocabulary of affirmation. As people experience the blessing, how could they not want to pass that blessing on? You can leave a legacy of encouragement as those around you are strengthened in their faith journey.
Purchase on-line today by visiting my on-line resource center.