Oriented to Grace

Silvrback blog imageTaking advantage of a quiet Saturday morning, I grabbed my Bible and journal and headed to our back deck. Underneath our open umbrella, I sat at the table, exhaled, and thanked God for a sanctuary of peace. Honestly, I was a bit "peopled out" from a week of customer service and found myself drinking in the stillness.

Throughout the week, . . .

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July 21, 2024


When I got my first iPhone with beta facial recognition, I remember asking the sales associate whether I would need to remove my glasses when setting it up. (Remember when you actually went to a store to purchase a phone?) He graciously smiled and eagerly answered, "Oh no. You don't have to remove your glasses. It recognizes you even when you . . .

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October 01, 2023


Almost a month ago, we bought a "real" kitchen trashcan: The 13-gallon, stainless steel, foot pedal, removable insert kind. It is shiny, sleek, and has significantly more capacity than our previous receptacle.

Our former kitchen trashcan was actually a rescue: a salvaged base of a paper shredder that bit the dust years ago. And although . . .

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November 01, 2022

In Process...

A few months ago, I woke up in the middle of the night. Feeling particularly alert, I rolled over onto my back, folded my hands across my stomach, and just listened. In the beauty of that peaceful, dark stillness, the Lord gently said, "Son, you have settled."

As an internal processor, suddenly feeling vulnerable, it's incredible to me . . .

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October 01, 2022

A Divine "Shhh"

In my previous blog entry, "MASTERclass," I shared how the relationship between a vocal student and his operatic mentor, captured in this video clip, was analogous to our encounters with God. I must confess, however, that there was something that transpired that I did not include in that blog.

The incident happens right at . . .

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September 01, 2021

Laughing to Myself

In a recent blog, "I'll Sit Right Here," I shared how God graciously intervened in my life amidst the swirling vortex of anxiety as I trained for a new job. While I would love to say that encounter was the tipping point for a victorious walk of overcoming courage, it wasn't.

As the lengthy onboarding process continued, I found . . .

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April 01, 2021

Personal and Confidential

A number of years ago, while serving on the staff of a non-profit organization, I had an experience that the Lord recently brought to remembrance. Revisiting my original blog entry about that encounter, I took some time to revise it, trusting that it will speak to you afresh.

While I was working at my desk one afternoon, our . . .

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December 01, 2020


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