Can You Give Me a Lift?
Stir-crazy after a significant snowfall kept us home-bound for two days, I decided to venture out to uncover our cars. Clearing a path from the porch to the driveway, I then began to push the snow off the cars and shovel it into the yard. While I worked my way to the street, my wife alerted me to the fact that our dog, Sophie, was peering . . .
Posted in: #dogs#encouragingothers#relationships
What Are You Carrying?
[This blog entry first appeared as an article written for Seedbed's Soul Care Collective. The vision of the collective is to provide resources designed to encourage individuals in personal soul care and to equip them to care for others within the context of their own vocation, all from a distinctly Wesleyan perspective. Please visit them . . .
What's in Your Tank?
Recently my brother and sister-in-law purchased a new heating oil tank. A few days after the installation, their heating system quit working. During the service call, the technicians discovered that the installers disposed of the sludge that was in the bottom of the 30 year old tank by dumping it into the brand new tank. They then filled the . . .