Postponing Joy
"I'll be glad when..."
The place of my employment is undergoing significant major extensive massive renovation. (Get the picture?) Amidst the upheaval, we are learning to adjust to awkwardly placed workstations, temporary permanent walls (yes, that is a thing), construction sounds, and an occasional unnerving bang of dropped metal conduit on . . .
Forget This Network
Recently the IT department where I serve added an additional wireless network, creating both a “Guest” network and an “Employee” network. However, once this dual Wi-Fi environment went online, we discovered a problem. Our guest's electronic devices automatically try to connect to the “Employee” . . .
Posted in: #relationships#technology#workplace#worship
When Your "Assignment" Becomes Just "a Job"
...a not so pretty confession.
Every Monday through Friday you will see this entry in my calendar: “ASSIGNMENT 11:30 AM – 8:00 PM.” That “assignment” in this season of my life is employment in a large institution. Having worked there for more than nine months, I have become accustomed to the intense dynamics of the environment in which I . . .
One of the activities I have enjoyed over the last 29 years is choir rehearsal. Week in and week out, I have been privileged to spend time with passionate people who not only are diligent to learn notes, rhythms, and mechanics of singing, but also are eager to discover attributes of God reflected in the text of the songs we sing.
. . .
Entry Points of Grace
"Hey, can you hold the door for Me?"
Not too long ago, my wife and I drove to a place to which we had never been. A sense of uneasiness crept in as unanticipated traffic slowly drained the surplus time before our scheduled appointment. The stress increased when our GPS unashamedly proclaimed, “you have arrived” when we clearly had not. Trying to maximize our . . .
Posted in: #encouragingothers#guidance#relationships
Look Up
A Simple Lesson from a Near-Miss
One of my recent challenges has been learning to navigate the complicated maze of hallways in a large hospital complex. After my second almost-collision with a fellow employee, I began to pause and listen for footsteps as I approached intersections. While this hesitation method was definitely more successful, it was not foolproof.
. . .
Posted in: #guidance#relationships#workplace
A Faucet Lesson
“For as the waters fill the sea, the earth will be filled with an awareness of the glory of the Lord” [Habakkuk 2:14 NLT]
One of the cries of my heart is that God would reveal and demonstrate His glory in and through me. As I interact with people, I want them to become aware of the glory of the Lord. Why? . . .