A Faucet Lesson
“For as the waters fill the sea, the earth will be filled with an awareness of the glory of the Lord” [Habakkuk 2:14 NLT]
One of the cries of my heart is that God would reveal and demonstrate His glory in and through me. As I interact with people, I want them to become aware of the glory of the Lord. Why? Allow me to let the Apostle Paul answer that. “I was given mercy so that in me, the worst of all sinners, Christ Jesus could show that he has patience without limit. His patience with me made me an example for those who would believe in him and have life forever” (I Timothy 1:16 NCV). Paul understood that God was at work both in him and also flowing through him so tangibly that others were “filled with an awareness of the glory of the Lord.” That is my desire.
Perhaps that is why a recent experience with a bathroom faucet spoke so deeply to me. Over the past few months, there had been incremental changes in how smoothly the water flowed from the aerator. Frankly, it was easy to ignore at first. However, as the issue continued, I began to make adjustments to how I held things under the faucet to accommodate the unsteady stream. Each time I turned on the water I would mutter, "I really need to fix this," but would soon forget amidst the busyness of the day.
Honestly, in the grand scheme of things, it seemed like a minor inconvenience. That was, until the day that one of the multiple streams cascading from the faucet deflected off of the drain stopper and splattered on my clothes. Let me just say that the water marks were less than flattering!
Embracing this new-found motivation to address the problem, I grabbed the pliers and removed the aerator. Taking it apart, I found gunk around the washer. As I further disassembled it, sediment in the tiny filter fell onto the counter. So, I decided to submerge the multiple pieces in water and scrub them with a toothbrush (not my wife’s). After blowing them dry, I reassembled the aerator and reinstalled it. Success!
Watching the smooth and effortless stream of water, I was struck by the fact that the accumulation of gunk and sediment can hinder flow: not only in a faucet, but also in my faith journey. While I may have a desire for God to flow through me so powerfully that "the earth would be filled with an awareness of the glory of the Lord," the reality is that ignored and unaddressed offenses, regret, pain, irritations, and resentment, can build up and obstruct the current of God’s glory streaming through me. As I stood at the sink, I invited God to remove any accumulated gunk and sediment so that His glory would effortlessly flow through me.
Perhaps as you've been reading, God has brought something to your mind that has been impeding the flow of God's grace, peace, and joy in and through your life. You have a choice with what to do with that revelation. You can simply ignore the symptoms and preoccupy yourself with constant adjustment to growing dysfunction, or you can simply invite God to remove the sediment and the gunk. Why not do that right now?
King David prayed, “Start over with me, and create a new, clean heart within me. Fill me with pure thoughts and holy desires, ready to please you” (Psalm 51:10 Passion Translation). Much like how Jesus responded to the one who humbly asked, “Lord, if You are willing…”, I believe He is joyfully prepared with a divine smile and a hearty, “I am willing” (Luke 5:12-13).
Ask Him, and He will! And know that through you, indeed, “… just as water covers the sea, people everywhere will know the Lord’s glory” (NCV). Amen.
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