Divine First Aid
A hymn, a promise, and an invitation
In his hymn, "Sweet Hour of Prayer," William W. Walford poetically testified, "In seasons of distress and grief, my soul has often found relief." I am mindful that for many of us, those "seasons of distress and grief" often come without warning. A middle-of-the-night phone call, a sudden health crisis, an unforeseen large expense, a . . .
Grace to Grieve with Hope
Discovering God's Grace in the Midst of Loss
Not too long ago, I had the distinct privilege of being interviewed by the extraordinary Rev. John Arnold. Battling cancer and living beyond what he calls his "Expiration Date," John selflessly recorded conversations desiring to "encourage people going through the difficult experience of a terminal medical diagnosis or the loss of a loved . . .
Posted in: #characterdevelopment#grief#healing#hope
Three Minute Miracle... or Maybe Not
On a recent stroll through the aisles of a discount department store, I came across a large endcap displaying a product called “3 Minute Miracle.” I chuckled, admiring the ample supply of divine favor in shiny-golden tubes at never-before-seen prices.
Further reflection, however, brought an unexpected weightiness as I thought . . .
Posted in: #assurance#characterdevelopment#hope#peace
Pest Control
Posted in: #fear#hope#spiritualauthority
"End of Cycle"
Reflections Inspired by an Old Clothes Dryer
Our 15-year-old dryer has an “End of Cycle” signal. When set to “on,” the dryer emits a piercing, five-second buzz at the completion of the cycle. Let me simply say, when the cycle is over, you know it!
I am mindful, however, that we are not always offered this luxury in life and in ministry. The One who . . .
Posted in: #assurance#guidance#hope#peace
You're a Gem
Not too long ago I subbed for a dear friend who served as a church musician. In retrospect, knowing the caliber of his musicianship, his passion for excellence, and his vast artistic experience, I foolishly made assumptions about the environment in which he regularly ministered as the Director of Music.
As I sat with the congregation . . .
Partial Download
Grace between "Initially" and "Eventually"
One of the variables of working in a large city is traffic. Accidents, construction, and erratic drivers all can contribute to a stressful commute. So, anticipating delay on my daily 21 mile drive into downtown Nashville, I intentionally leave my home early. Most of the time, by the grace of God, I arrive with a little time to spare.
. . .
Posted in: #guidance#hope#technology