31 Days of Encouragement
A Resource to Strengthen and Equip You to Encourage the Weary
What would happen if, for the next 31 days, you chose to intentionally encourage someone else? Great idea, but what do you say? That question is the catalyst for a resource that I want to share with you!
Based on my blogs, 31 Days of Encouragement offers daily words of hope to strengthen you on your faith journey. These short, . . .
What Are You Carrying?
[This blog entry first appeared as an article written for Seedbed's Soul Care Collective. The vision of the collective is to provide resources designed to encourage individuals in personal soul care and to equip them to care for others within the context of their own vocation, all from a distinctly Wesleyan perspective. Please visit them . . .
Are You a Stressed Oak?
This past spring, the pin oak in our front yard began to drop its leaves. Over the next couple of months, this autumn-like behavior continued. Honestly, we really didn't pay too much attention until a late summer windstorm left our yard looking more like it was November. Looking up into the exposed limbs, we noticed that a number of the . . .
Posted in: #characterdevelopment#healing#hope
A Second Time in the Valley
Life can be stopped in its tracks by bad news. While the Psalmist says, “They won’t be frightened at bad news. Their hearts are steady, trusting in the Lord” [112:7], the reality is that a middle of the night phone call, a doctor’s report, or even an email, can rock your world.
Imagine, then, the impact of news that means you will . . .
Posted in: #characterdevelopment#healing#hope
What's in Your Tank?
Recently my brother and sister-in-law purchased a new heating oil tank. A few days after the installation, their heating system quit working. During the service call, the technicians discovered that the installers disposed of the sludge that was in the bottom of the 30 year old tank by dumping it into the brand new tank. They then filled the . . .