Drop It

A number of years ago, a worship team with whom I was rehearsing seemed to hit a mental roadblock. And while I thought I was being extremely clear in expressing what I wanted to happen in a particular section of a song, this group of skilled musicians just could not get it.

Each time we missed the mark on what I had musically intended, I . . .

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September 14, 2021

A Divine "Shhh"

In my previous blog entry, "MASTERclass," I shared how the relationship between a vocal student and his operatic mentor, captured in this video clip, was analogous to our encounters with God. I must confess, however, that there was something that transpired that I did not include in that blog.

The incident happens right at . . .

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September 01, 2021


Not too long ago, I came across a video clip of a vocal masterclass. If that term is new to you, a masterclass is an instructional experience for students led by an expert in their field of study. As a piano major in college, I was always fascinated by the unique group learning dynamic of an instructor publically working one-on-one with . . .

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August 01, 2021

Six Months Closer

Several months after my mom passed away, I scheduled an appointment with a dear brother who cuts my hair. It was good medicine to see him. Amidst the hustle and bustle of his salon, our conversation drifted from topic to topic carried along by his infectious joy, his tender heart, and his deep compassion.

As we continued to catch up, I . . .

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July 01, 2021


Remembering the Story, Redeeming the Grief, and Reaping the Joy

One of the difficult parts of our transition from Pennsylvania to Tennessee was the reality that we would not often be able to visit the gravesite of our twin daughters. While we had the assurance that Amanda and Catherine are in heaven, we also recognized that the many undisturbed moments of graveside reflection in the serene beauty of . . .

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June 01, 2021

A Lesson in the Clouds

A number of years ago, amidst a season of physical, emotional, and spiritual burnout, I was asked to minister at a funeral. "Perfect," I thought sarcastically, "A dead man ministering at a funeral." Drowning in negativity from the seemingly incessant discouragement that I had been experiencing, the inability to find a . . .

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May 01, 2021

Laughing to Myself

In a recent blog, "I'll Sit Right Here," I shared how God graciously intervened in my life amidst the swirling vortex of anxiety as I trained for a new job. While I would love to say that encounter was the tipping point for a victorious walk of overcoming courage, it wasn't.

As the lengthy onboarding process continued, I found . . .

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April 01, 2021


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