You're a Gem
Not too long ago I subbed for a dear friend who served as a church musician. In retrospect, knowing the caliber of his musicianship, his passion for excellence, and his vast artistic experience, I foolishly made assumptions about the environment in which he regularly ministered as the Director of Music.
As I sat with the congregation . . .
One of the activities I have enjoyed over the last 29 years is choir rehearsal. Week in and week out, I have been privileged to spend time with passionate people who not only are diligent to learn notes, rhythms, and mechanics of singing, but also are eager to discover attributes of God reflected in the text of the songs we sing.
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Entry Points of Grace
"Hey, can you hold the door for Me?"
Not too long ago, my wife and I drove to a place to which we had never been. A sense of uneasiness crept in as unanticipated traffic slowly drained the surplus time before our scheduled appointment. The stress increased when our GPS unashamedly proclaimed, “you have arrived” when we clearly had not. Trying to maximize our . . .
Posted in: #encouragingothers#guidance#relationships
Go Online
An uber, Uber Lesson
Recently, my wife and I had a long overdue dinner with friends. While catching up, we discovered that one of them had become an Uber driver. Having heard so much about it, I was curious to hear what the Uber experience was like from the driver’s perspective. Primary in my mind was this question, “How do people find you?” . . .
Your Days of Hiding are Over
Not too long ago, I quietly slid into a pew after arriving late to a worship experience. The service had begun almost an hour prior to my work shift ending, but I went anyway, hungry for fellowship with God and with God’s people. Settling in, I gratefully engaged as people gathered in prayer around a particular individual. As they . . .
Posted in: #characterdevelopment#fear#identityinchrist
Look Up
A Simple Lesson from a Near-Miss
One of my recent challenges has been learning to navigate the complicated maze of hallways in a large hospital complex. After my second almost-collision with a fellow employee, I began to pause and listen for footsteps as I approached intersections. While this hesitation method was definitely more successful, it was not foolproof.
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Posted in: #guidance#relationships#workplace
Partial Download
Grace between "Initially" and "Eventually"
One of the variables of working in a large city is traffic. Accidents, construction, and erratic drivers all can contribute to a stressful commute. So, anticipating delay on my daily 21 mile drive into downtown Nashville, I intentionally leave my home early. Most of the time, by the grace of God, I arrive with a little time to spare.
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Posted in: #guidance#hope#technology