The Rabbit or the Squirrel?
This summer, we've had a plethora of rabbits around our neighborhood. Nibbling on tufts of grass, settling deep into patches of clover, and devouring our petunias, the pointy-eared hares have thrived amidst the heat wave we have experienced.
Most mornings when I head out the front door to go to work, there is usually a rabbit or two . . .
Posted in: #characterdevelopment#guidance#peace
Drop It
A number of years ago, a worship team with whom I was rehearsing seemed to hit a mental roadblock. And while I thought I was being extremely clear in expressing what I wanted to happen in a particular section of a song, this group of skilled musicians just could not get it.
Each time we missed the mark on what I had musically intended, I . . .
Posted in: #leadership#peace#relationships#worship
Remembering the Story, Redeeming the Grief, and Reaping the Joy
One of the difficult parts of our transition from Pennsylvania to Tennessee was the reality that we would not often be able to visit the gravesite of our twin daughters. While we had the assurance that Amanda and Catherine are in heaven, we also recognized that the many undisturbed moments of graveside reflection in the serene beauty of . . .
Posted in: #assurance#grief#peace
How Long, O Lord?
I have a friend, a dear "mom" in the faith to me, who suffers from chronic pain. Though some days are better than others, she lives with a baseline of palpable discomfort. And while the empowering grace on her life to persevere in joyful faith is a powerful testimony to many, compassion in me often prompts the lament of the . . .
Posted in: #characterdevelopment#healing#hope#peace
May I Carry That for You?
One of the privileges I have working on the surgery floor of a children's hospital is to escort parents to recovery to see their child. Having walked with them through check-in, O.R. updates, and a post-surgical consult, it is particularly rewarding to lead the family back to the P.A.C.U. and to see the reaction on the patient's face when . . .
Posted in: #assurance#peace#workplace
Someone Else's Mess
Sometimes there's grace to clean it up
A number of years ago, we made the 22 hour trip to Maine with our dog, Sophie. She loved the cottage where we stayed and enjoyed taking long naps on the cozy couch opposite the fireplace. One afternoon, a neighbor came by to introduce herself with her three Labrador Retrievers in tow. Not confident in how Sophie might react to these canine . . .
Posted in: #characterdevelopment#guidance#peace
Recently, when I discovered that the majority of my choir members would be out of town on a particular Sunday, I decided to sing a solo for the special music selection. Having sensed some direction based on the theme our pastor had chosen, I picked a song that authentically expressed what God has been freshly doing in my heart.
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