What Do You Really Need?
Some thoughts about what is at the top of your ministry "Must Have" list.
A number of years ago, I had the privilege of sitting next to Dr. R.T. Kendall before he was to speak. Handing him a bottle of water, I asked him, “Is there anything you need?” He smiled warmly and with a relaxed tone answered, “the anointing.” His simple and profound answer impacted me.
A few weeks after that . . .
Posted in: #characterdevelopment#ministry#worship
You're a Gem
Not too long ago I subbed for a dear friend who served as a church musician. In retrospect, knowing the caliber of his musicianship, his passion for excellence, and his vast artistic experience, I foolishly made assumptions about the environment in which he regularly ministered as the Director of Music.
As I sat with the congregation . . .
One of the activities I have enjoyed over the last 29 years is choir rehearsal. Week in and week out, I have been privileged to spend time with passionate people who not only are diligent to learn notes, rhythms, and mechanics of singing, but also are eager to discover attributes of God reflected in the text of the songs we sing.
. . .
A Divine Welcome Mat
Noticing the accumulation of leaves on my back deck, I decided to put the detachable blower on my shop vac to work. The job was done in no time as these symbols of fall softly settled onto the grass in the back yard. Motivated by my success, I decided to tackle the front porch which was peppered with tiny leaves dropped from four hanging . . .
Posted in: #assurance#guidance#ministry
Why Not Now?
Recently, I ministered at a retreat in the California Redwoods. The scenery was stunning as we climbed the mountain on narrow, winding roads. The week was filled with worship and rich study of the Word. My mind and heart were becoming uncluttered as I enjoyed what Paul described as "the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, . . .