What's Mine is Yours
Last Fall, a good friend and I embarked on an 8-hour road trip to Michigan. The long journey allowed for deep conversation with this young man who is like a son in the faith to me. As the miles passed and the fuel gauge began to creep towards "E," we stopped at a Pilot to refuel. Enjoying the opportunity to stretch and feeling a little . . .
Posted in: #assurance#hope
Worn Soles and Worn Souls
After two and a half years of walking the halls of the hospital, I decided to replace my work shoes. While the brand-new pair was a bit expensive, I knew that it was well worth the investment. Curious to see just how worn my old soles were, I laid both pair, side by side, on the bed. The difference was striking. "No wonder my feet were . . .
Finding Forky
Calling people "up" instead of "out"
Wanting to escape the relentless summer heat, my wife and I decided to set aside our normal Saturday chores to go to a local movie theater. Appreciating the clever story-telling of the previous three films, we decided to see Toy Story 4.
Though we enjoyed the movie, I left the theater with an unresolved heaviness that I had not . . .
The Director's Commentary
Some thoughts when you are dogged by the "Why?" question.
Taking advantage of one of those $5 DVD bins at a department store, I recently picked up a movie I had been wanting to watch. After viewing the film, I began to explore the menu and the Special Features. There were numerous choices: Deleted Scenes, Gag Reel, “The making of...” documentary, and Interviews with the Actors. . . .
Posted in: #characterdevelopment#hope#peace
Missed the Bus?
Growing up in a small town seven miles north of our public school campus meant that we had to catch the bus quite early in the morning. Because the high school started first, my sister was usually at the bus stop around 6:15 am. About a half hour later, I would join the other middle schoolers in my neighborhood to wait for our turn on #49.
. . .Posted in: #assurance#guidance#hope
Landscaping the Tombs
I love to landscape. It is both therapeutic and cathartic. Something about sinking your hands in dark brown soil and nurturing vibrant green blossoming plants stirs in me a sense of life and health. I feel "at home" in the quiet solitude of mulched gardens filled with flowers, ferns, and shrubs. And honestly, as an . . .
Posted in: #characterdevelopment#hope#identityinchrist
Upset and Troubled
"Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things" (Luke 10:41 NASB).
The One who spoke those words so long ago gently reiterated them to me as I drove to work one recent morning. Agitated (and perturbed for feeling so irritated), I clung white-knuckled to the steering wheel, lost in an inarticulate yet . . .