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An uber, Uber Lesson

Recently, my wife and I had a long overdue dinner with friends. While catching up, we discovered that one of them had become an Uber driver. Having heard so much about it, I was curious to hear what the Uber experience was like from the driver’s perspective. Primary in my mind was this question, “How do people find you?” . . .

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October 21, 2016

Back to the Recipe

When my children come home for a weekend, I often make pancakes on Saturday morning. I usually double the recipe to ensure we have plenty, including an extra one for the dog who faithfully waits by the griddle in hopeful expectation.

Over the years, it has been my practice to assemble all of the dry ingredients in one bowl and all of the . . .

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June 06, 2016

Mystery Ingredients

One of the TV shows my family enjoys watching is called “Chopped.” This cooking competition features four chefs who each must prepare an appetizer, entrée, and dessert. At the beginning of each course, the chefs are presented with a basket of three "mystery ingredients" that must be included. The additional twist in the show is that . . .

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February 09, 2016

Rate This App

“Rate the Bible.” That's the invitation randomly extended by the creators of my Bible app. While my response to this pop-up is usually, "not now," one particular morning I took a few moments to consider the challenge. “How would I rate the Bible?”

“What a foolish question,” I thought, as James 4:14 ran through my mind. . . .

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January 07, 2016

Reestablishing Lost Connection

One of the recent Facebook updates that I have come to appreciate is a pop-up indicating “Reestablishing Lost Connection.” This appears when my phone service switches from cellular to wifi and vice versa. While I believe the app’s creators are seeking to appease user impatience, the true value in the message is found in the divine reminder it . . .

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December 23, 2015

A Divine Welcome Mat

Noticing the accumulation of leaves on my back deck, I decided to put the detachable blower on my shop vac to work. The job was done in no time as these symbols of fall softly settled onto the grass in the back yard. Motivated by my success, I decided to tackle the front porch which was peppered with tiny leaves dropped from four hanging . . .

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November 30, 2015

The "How" to do the "What"

I Chronicles 13:1-14 appears to offer an exemplary lesson in leadership. Sensing what God wants him to do, King David consults with commanders, opens up the conversation to the whole assembly, casts vision, and gains consensus. Soon, all move forward in agreement that the Ark of the Covenant is to be returned to its rightful place in . . .

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November 02, 2015


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