Worn Soles and Worn Souls

After two and a half years of walking the halls of the hospital, I decided to replace my work shoes. While the brand-new pair was a bit expensive, I knew that it was well worth the investment. Curious to see just how worn my old soles were, I laid both pair, side by side, on the bed. The difference was striking. "No wonder my feet were . . .

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October 19, 2019


Recently, when I discovered that the majority of my choir members would be out of town on a particular Sunday, I decided to sing a solo for the special music selection. Having sensed some direction based on the theme our pastor had chosen, I picked a song that authentically expressed what God has been freshly doing in my heart.

. . .

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October 01, 2019

Finding Forky

Calling people "up" instead of "out"

Wanting to escape the relentless summer heat, my wife and I decided to set aside our normal Saturday chores to go to a local movie theater. Appreciating the clever story-telling of the previous three films, we decided to see Toy Story 4.

Though we enjoyed the movie, I left the theater with an unresolved heaviness that I had not . . .

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September 25, 2019

Raising Halal

This summer, I had the privilege of leading worship with an amazing team of musicians at a national conference. One of the songs we sang was called, "Raise a Hallelujah."

This anthem became a battle cry for the attendees. It voiced their intention that in the presence of their spiritual enemies, they would, indeed, proclaim praise to the . . .

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September 14, 2019

What Do You Really Need?

Some thoughts about what is at the top of your ministry "Must Have" list.

A number of years ago, I had the privilege of sitting next to Dr. R.T. Kendall before he was to speak. Handing him a bottle of water, I asked him, “Is there anything you need?” He smiled warmly and with a relaxed tone answered, “the anointing.” His simple and profound answer impacted me.

A few weeks after that . . .

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July 13, 2019

The Director's Commentary

Some thoughts when you are dogged by the "Why?" question.

Taking advantage of one of those $5 DVD bins at a department store, I recently picked up a movie I had been wanting to watch. After viewing the film, I began to explore the menu and the Special Features. There were numerous choices: Deleted Scenes, Gag Reel, “The making of...” documentary, and Interviews with the Actors. . . .

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June 23, 2019

A Word in Season

Encouragement for the Writer in You

It is hard to believe that this is my 100th blog. Wherever and however we have connected, know that my heart is full of gratitude for your willingness to read, to comment, and to share these writings over the last ten years.

Integral to this journey of encouragement has been my life verse: "The Sovereign Lord has given me . . .

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April 14, 2019


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