The "How" to do the "What"
I Chronicles 13:1-14 appears to offer an exemplary lesson in leadership. Sensing what God wants him to do, King David consults with commanders, opens up the conversation to the whole assembly, casts vision, and gains consensus. Soon, all move forward in agreement that the Ark of the Covenant is to be returned to its rightful place in . . .
Posted in: #assurance#guidance#leadership
Are You a Stressed Oak?
This past spring, the pin oak in our front yard began to drop its leaves. Over the next couple of months, this autumn-like behavior continued. Honestly, we really didn't pay too much attention until a late summer windstorm left our yard looking more like it was November. Looking up into the exposed limbs, we noticed that a number of the . . .
Posted in: #characterdevelopment#healing#hope
The Cat Under the Glider
A few years ago, my wife and I were awakened by what we thought were two dogs fighting. Getting up, I traced the fierce barking and growling to our front porch. When I peered through the glass storm door, I could see two dogs straining to reach something that was under the glider along the wall. Unnoticed by the preoccupied canines, I quietly . . .
Posted in: #dogs#fear#spiritualauthority
A Second Time in the Valley
Life can be stopped in its tracks by bad news. While the Psalmist says, “They won’t be frightened at bad news. Their hearts are steady, trusting in the Lord” [112:7], the reality is that a middle of the night phone call, a doctor’s report, or even an email, can rock your world.
Imagine, then, the impact of news that means you will . . .
Posted in: #characterdevelopment#healing#hope
You Go First
While my daughter was home for a few days this summer, we decided to explore some local historical sites. One of the places we visited was the Parthenon. Not the real one, of course, but a replica originally built for Tennessee's 1897 Centennial Exposition. What most impressed me as we walked throughout the facility was the set of bronze . . .
Posted in: #assurance#guidance#hope
What's in Your Tank?
Recently my brother and sister-in-law purchased a new heating oil tank. A few days after the installation, their heating system quit working. During the service call, the technicians discovered that the installers disposed of the sludge that was in the bottom of the 30 year old tank by dumping it into the brand new tank. They then filled the . . .
Why Not Now?
Recently, I ministered at a retreat in the California Redwoods. The scenery was stunning as we climbed the mountain on narrow, winding roads. The week was filled with worship and rich study of the Word. My mind and heart were becoming uncluttered as I enjoyed what Paul described as "the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, . . .