Go Ahead, 'Bother' the Teacher

A Not-So-Tongue-in-Cheek Invitation

“Don’t bother the teacher any longer.” That was the rebuke that derailed my focus from the sermon one recent Sunday morning. Abandoning the preacher's train of thought (sorry, pastor), I lingered in that Luke 8 passage, trying to understand the context for such a harsh statement.  

Jesus, returning to the shore . . .

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June 05, 2017

Three Minute Miracle... or Maybe Not

On a recent stroll through the aisles of a discount department store, I came across a large endcap displaying a product called “3 Minute Miracle.” I chuckled, admiring the ample supply of divine favor in shiny-golden tubes at never-before-seen prices.

Further reflection, however, brought an unexpected weightiness as I thought . . .

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May 25, 2017

When Your "Assignment" Becomes Just "a Job"

...a not so pretty confession.

Every Monday through Friday you will see this entry in my calendar: “ASSIGNMENT 11:30 AM – 8:00 PM.” That “assignment” in this season of my life is employment in a large institution. Having worked there for more than nine months, I have become accustomed to the intense dynamics of the environment in which I . . .

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April 07, 2017

"Lakeside" Sampler

Enjoy a Taste of Each Track!

Jesus often ministered lakeside. It was there that the bound were set free, the sick were healed, and the hungry were fed. Lakeside was a place of transformation.

That is the heart behind the instrumental project, Lakeside. Featuring seven, 10-minute sessions of peaceful piano music, Lakeside opens the door for clarity to . . .

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March 18, 2017

Let Go of the Leash

I loved Sophie.

Adopted from a local humane society at the age of seven, she was the perfect "first dog." She was consistently gentle, loving, loyal, and trusting. In fact, interactions with her prompted numerous blogs about God’s nature towards us.

Eight and a half years later, Sophie passed away . . .

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March 05, 2017

Pest Control

I am grateful for the tree-lined sidewalks I traverse most every day to work. This quiet path provides a final opportunity to quiet my heart and mind before the intensity of the day begins.
One morning as I emerged from the staff parking garage into brilliant sunshine, my attention was immediately drawn to the sound of . . .

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February 21, 2017

"End of Cycle"

Reflections Inspired by an Old Clothes Dryer

Our 15-year-old dryer has an “End of Cycle” signal. When set to “on,” the dryer emits a piercing, five-second buzz at the completion of the cycle. Let me simply say, when the cycle is over, you know it!

I am mindful, however, that we are not always offered this luxury in life and in ministry. The One who . . .

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January 21, 2017


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