Your Latest Bluff

...when spell-check becomes a heart-check

While spell-check in texting is helpful most times, there are moments when the assistance offered completely alters the intent of the message. Such is the case when in recent dialogue about my blog, I received this statement: "I took the time to read your latest bluff."

Silvrback blog imageIf you knew the person who sent the text, it would have been easy to . . .

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September 01, 2018


You are More than You Know

Recently my wife, oldest daughter, and I went to an evening big-band dance in downtown Nashville. To celebrate the occasion, we took a selfie to post on Facebook. As I scanned the post to proofread it, I noticed that the app had automatically tagged my wife and my daughter in the photograph. It also tagged me... but, as someone else!

My . . .

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August 19, 2018

The Closure of No Closure

One recent Sunday, our pastor preached from Deuteronomy 34. Preparing us for impending pastoral change, he invited us to embrace the journey to the Promised Land knowing that God's unwavering faithfulness will carry us through the pervasive uncertainty of leadership transition. As he read the passage, my heart became snagged . . .

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July 07, 2018

I Wanted You to Know

Watching, Seeing, and Encouraging

At a recent staff meeting, our departmental leadership advised us, "If you see something, say something." Spoken in the context of employee safety training, we were urged to attentively monitor our surroundings throughout our shift. And, should we observe something that triggers concern, we are to calmly communicate our uneasiness to the . . .

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June 09, 2018

Postponing Joy

"I'll be glad when..."

The place of my employment is undergoing significant major extensive massive renovation. (Get the picture?) Amidst the upheaval, we are learning to adjust to awkwardly placed workstations, temporary permanent walls (yes, that is a thing), construction sounds, and an occasional unnerving bang of dropped metal conduit on . . .

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April 21, 2018

Do You Have a Need to Know?

My Waze and God's Ways

Every weekday, I drive into downtown Nashville using a navigation app on my phone. Mindful of the adventure of navigating through a city that is experiencing unprecedented growth, I am grateful for the heads up that it provides alerting me to delays, hazards, and even potholes along the way!

On a recent trip, while attentively . . .

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March 26, 2018

Landscaping the Tombs

I love to landscape. It is both therapeutic and cathartic. Something about sinking your hands in dark brown soil and nurturing vibrant green blossoming plants stirs in me a sense of life and health. I feel "at home" in the quiet solitude of mulched gardens filled with flowers, ferns, and shrubs. And honestly, as an . . .

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February 24, 2018


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